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Corners Café and Catering

Youth UpRising Center

8711 MacArthur Boulevard

Oakland, California 94605

Phone: 510-777-9909

Fax: 510-777-9949

E-mail: cornerscafe@youthuprising.org

Corners Café

Training & Internship Program


The Corners Café is not just another restaurant and working at the café is not just a job! Corners Café was designed by youth and is for youth. We are a youth-run restaurant and we serve youth and adults from all over Alameda County and the Bay Area. We also help each participant get college credit, learn about business, and help them find permanent employment.


Are you interested in the Corners Café program? Click here to download the application form (Adobe PDF document)


We are also available for picnics, BBQs and business breakfasts. Let us custom design a menu to fit your needs. Download our menu here (Adobe PDF document).


For more information about the Cafe program and employemt, please call 510-999-7729. You can also click on the links below for additional information.


Click here to download the Corners Cafe Job Training Program Description (Adobe PDF document)

Click here to download the Corners Cafe Training Program application form (Adobe PDF document)


If you have any questions please e-mail me at hwilson@geponline.org


The relationship between Youth UpRising and the community is very important and fundamental to our mission. Youth UpRising's in-house health facilities serve the needs of the people, although priority is given to members. Through our programs, we assist community members with career planning, meeting their educational goals, and also job placement assistance. In addition to hosting low cost entertainment events, such as our dance battles and concerts, the facilities is also used as space for public and personal events and meetings. In short, we try to do everything in our power to provide for the community things which would otherwise not be possible without the presence of Youth UpRising.

The Gallery