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With your generous contribution, we can achieve the vision of youth leadership and community transformation.

Youth UpRising relies on the generosity of friends and supporters for general operating support that is so vital for thriving and responsive programming. You can contribute funds or securities to be used immediately where they are most needed, or specify a program area that you would like to support (e.g., Arts, Health, Education or Counseling).


Youth UpRising provides doorways to a world of discovery, hope and opportunity for the youth of this and surrounding communities. But we can't do it alone! Youth UpRising exists because people like you make it possible. Every dollar counts and we need your support to continue.


Community Assessment Report | September, 2005

Outreach was done at YU to inform youth about a recruitment/orientation meeting for youth. The purpose of the meeting was to engage youth to take leadership in bringing the voices of the youth in the YU community to the YU planning and management process. After the recruitment/orientation meeting, Peggy Loper met twice per week with youth leaders at YU. Although many youth came to one meeting only, a core group of six youth leaders attended meetings through the end of August, the beginning of the new school year. The core group consisted of Ashly Lea, Tracelle Moore, Mondi Coleman, Jamilla Lawson, Jason Turner and Tryphena Douglas. During that time, a community assessment survey (see Appendix 1 in the report) was developed by the group and data collection methods were determined. In order to obtain information that expressed the felt needs, concerns, likes and dislikes, an open-ended survey format was utilized. The group decided to administer survey and do individual and group interviews. The survey instrument was tested by approximately 10 youth who attested to its clarity, relevance and lack of duplication.


Data collection was accomplished over a period of three weeks in August 2005. Ninety-three (93) youth provided survey data. Of the 93 respondents, 20 were interviewed individually, 73 filled out the survey themselves and 35 participated in group interviews. Youth leaders interviewed other youth, participated in survey distribution and group interviews, and helped compile data. Download the full report below to find out how the youth responded.