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Youth UpRising needs your financial support. With your generous contribution, we can achieve the vision of youth leadership and community transformation.


You can make a tax-deductible gift to Youth UpRising in any of the following ways:

  • Write a check (Payable to Youth UpRising)
  • Donate stock
  • Make a donation on your credit card
  • Volunteer
  • Make a pledge
  • Put us in your will
  • Designate your Workplace Gift: If you participate in a workplace giving program, you can designate Youth UpRising as the recipient of your gift.
  • Matching Gifts: If your employer matches gifts to charitable organizations, please take a moment to forward the necessary form with your gift or ask us to contact your employer.

To discuss ways you can give to Youth UpRising, please contact Evette Brandon, Development Director, at 510-777-9909 or via e-mail at evettebrandon@youthuprising.org, or write to the attention of Evette Brandon at 8711 MacArthur Blvd. Oakland , CA 94605.